Prague Philharmonic Children´s Choir

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The Prague Philharmonic Children's Choir (established in 1932) ranks among leading Czech vocal ensembles renowned not only in Europe, but also in Japan, USA, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, and South Korea (known abroad as the Prague Philharmonic Children's Choir or the Czech Philharmonic Children's Choir). In its 80 years of existence, it has trained thousands of talented children, instilling in them love of music and the art.


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Supraphon_Kytice_nove CD.jpg

Recording of the month goes to Martinů!

The recently released recording of the B. Martinů’s Bouquet of Flowers has received award Recording of the Month by the MusicWeb International. Our choir participated in the recording alongside with the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Prague Philharmonic Choir and excellent soloists.